Terms Of Use

The administrators and moderators of this board are trying toedit or delete posts with dubious content as fast as possible. It is not possible to check every single post.

With accepting this terms you confirm that every post reflects the authors opinion. Administrators, Moderators and Owners of this board are responsible for their own posts only.

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, or otherwise illegal content.

Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned, and we reserve us the right to pass connection-data, etc. on to prosecution Authorities.

You allow Administrators, Moderators and Owners of this board to edit, move, lock or delete posts on their absolute discretion.You agree that registration data is stored in a database.

This system uses cookies to save information on your harddisk. The cookies do not contain any of your personal data except your username and are just for your convenience. Your email-adress is taken to send you a registration mail and to send you a new passwort if necessary.

By completing this registration you agree to these terms and to our disclaimer.